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RELEASE: Spring Ka-Ching 50/50 Winner Announced


May 3, 2023 – Port Colborne

A Crystal Beach woman has won Port Cares’ 9th 50/50 Draw with a jackpot prize of $29,005. Today, Teresa Swan (Ticket # A-7649728) picked up her cheque from the agency after purchasing 100 tickets for $40.

“This draw was a real nail-biter. Through the first three weeks right up to the final five days before the draw, we were extremely concerned that the up-take was significantly lower than usual. We are more reliant on our 50/50 fundraisers than ever before. We are assisting the highest number of families and individuals in our history with one out of eight local residents living in low-income circumstances and relying on the food bank and our other basic needs services. The post-pandemic economy and the impact of inflation are driving a perfect storm – donations and fundraising support are slowing because our supporters only have so much discretionary income. WE are profoundly grateful that our supporters rallied and got the jackpot to $29,005.” – Christine Clark Lafleur, Executive Director, Port Cares

Even though anyone 18+ in Ontario can purchase tickets, all nine winners have been local for the agency’s online draws, and a total of $288,410 has been won. Funds raised from the draw go directly towards the food bank and meal program that operate out of their Reach Out Centre. To help families and people in need in South Niagara, Port Cares is running three more50/50 lotteries over the next 12 months with a target of raising $100,000 to assist those living in poverty.

Those interested in further supporting are encouraged to consider a direct online donation. More details can be found www.portcares.ca and click “donate” at the top of the page.


Port Cares’ 10th anniversary 50/50 draw starts on July 1, 2023 Canada Day and ends on Civic Holiday Monday August 7, 2023 the final day of Port Colborne’s 2023 Canal Days. Port Cares hopes to once again have a booth on West Street during the festival.

Port Cares would like to thank their generous media sponsors: Giant FM, Country 89FM, YourTV Niagara, and Niagara This Week. As well as the Caring Supporters at the Port Colborne Downtown BIA, Super Mario’s Pizza, and community members who helped promote the 50/50 in their networks.

Winners Re-cap:

September 2020 – Michael Mamo of Port Colborne:$19,830

January 2021 – Marion Minor of Port Colborne: $27,465

June 2021 – Tami Reimer of Welland: $42,660

Sept 2021 – Bruce Wilson of Port Colborne: $34,155

January 2022 – Kathy Pitkin of Port Colborne: $37,505

April 2022 – Suzette Lemay of Welland: $27,795

August 2022 – Rebecca Clark of Welland: $38,805

January 2023 – Kristy Kosanovich of Niagara Falls: $31,190

April 2023 – Teresa Swan of Crystal Beach: $29,005

Since 1986, Port Cares has offered a multitude of services for people, young and old, not only in Port Colborne, but also across Niagara including Lincoln, West Lincoln, Welland, Pelham and Fort Erie. They offer housing, employment training, a foodbank, Niagara Youth Justice services, EarlyON Child and Family Centres, a meal program, utility assistance, counselling and crisis services- as well as seasonal programs like Coats for Kids, Give a Gift and more. Their services are wide-ranging – the need is undeniable.


Photos are available upon request.

Interview contact:

Christine Clark Lafleur

Executive Director, Port Cares

905-834-3629 ext. 248

92 Charlotte Street, Port Colborne, ON L3K 3E1


Port Cares 5050

Support Port and win big!

In lieu of our usual fundraising events, we bring you the opportunity to both support Port Cares AND potentially win big! We look forward to your support!

Learn More

Our next online 50/50 draw launches on May 1, 2021!

50/50 Draw - Draw ends January 1st 2025, at 2:00pm EST

Thank You to our program funders and supporters